13 Moons 2021/22
☼ 13 Online Circles
It beggins the new moon before Samhain:
☽ 2021:
Circle 1- November 3th
Circle 2-December 2th
☽ 2022:
Circle 3- January 3th
Circle 4- February 2th
Circle 5- March 1st
Circle 6- March 31st
Circle 7- April 29th
Circle 8- May 31st
Circle 9- June 28th
Circle 10- July 29th
Circle 11- August 26th
Circle 12- September 26th
Circle 13- October 24th
☉From 6pm to 7h30pm, via Zoom
Íris and Lila have been researching traditional and magical calendars and different wheels of the year for over a decade. The 13 Moons journey is the fruit of in depth study and practise of the symbolic, practical, ecological, alchemical, shamanic and pagan layers of these ancient calendars.
It is a combination of Sacred and Feminine Ecology, the celtic wheel of the year, the shamanic Medicine Wheel, power plants, trees, stones and animals.
This work fosters and strengthtens the connection between Body- Mind- Soul- Earth-Sky with the cycles of the human ages and seasons of the year, as we feel them on Earth through the influence of Sun and Moon. We will embrace both the green and the dark stages of the year, as night and day, light and shadow, cold and warmth complement each other and create a living dialogue within the land and within ourselves and all our relations.
We will recover the name and symbolic aspect of each moon as a compass that enables us to be in a deeper state of presence and awareness, through living our ciclicity and the Earth’s seasons.
We will also work with the different lunar aspects at each month as well as the different animals, plants, trees and stones.
The circle has an ethical code and principles that keep our space safe and healthy and that we can apply in our lives as tools for improving the way we relate with our human and planetary families.
Each month we will be studying essential medicinal aspects both through herbalism and nutrition, as a way to develop autonomy and a direct relation with the Nature surrounding us in order to become more conscious and able to regenerate our health and care for our well being in deep harmony with the Earth Mother.
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